After emigrating from Cuba in 1960* Ernie worked for 5
years modifying/racing cars. After his BS in engineering,
he got an MS from Caltech.  Then he worked 20 years
for  the   world's   largest  satellite   communications
firm, first in propulsion research and finally as Vice Pre-
sident of Projects (see Résumé).  He's with a satellite in
this photo & here is his last published paper. A self-edu-
cated  architect,  he  designed 3 houses over  the years.
After satellites, and now mostly in business and finance,
he ran two jet-engine companies  for the next 10 years,
sold to the #2 firm in Sweden. At 55 he retired, bought
a plane he flew 22 years,  traveled & enjoyed his family.

* Previously, he attended an American school
in Havana (Phillips School) through 9th grade,
then a Canadian school (Appleby College) near
Toronto for 10th and 11th grade, then another
American school in Havana (Lafayette School)
until High School graduation. For more, here's
his Biography in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.
Full disclosure: this is an abridged biography,
with inactive footnotes & links (because some
were raw, Xrated), & far too long and boring.